Did you miss today's #platformchat?
Lucky you, because it kind of went off the tracks. We couldn't get one of our guests' tweets to show up in Tweetchat. But even so, those who were there seemed to love it.
We can give all the credit to Meryl K. Evans who works double time to keep the chat running smoothly in ways I would not begin to be able to manage in my wildest dreams.
So, one round of applause for Meryl for keeping the chat going.
And another round of applause for Meryl for piecing together what the real chat should have looked like into this transcript:
Download Platformchat20091023_transcript
Three cheers for Meryl! Let's all go to her blog and add it to our readers as a way of saying thanks. :)
And remember, the transcript is in reverse chronological order, so please start at the bottom and read to the top.
We post the chat in PDF instead of cutting and pasting the entire hour-long chat into a blog post.
Hope to see everyone at the next #platformchat with guests and date TBA soon.
We are on a monthly schedule. So, look for our next chat in November.
If you'd like to suggest topics, please feel free to leave ideas in the comments.
Happy platform-building! Feel free to purchase our guests' books below: