Here's an update on all the latest goings-on related to my recently released Get Known Before the Book Deal:
- Get Known Before the Book Deal was recently featured by "Gumbo Writer," Jeff Rivera, in Media Bistro's popular blog, Galley Cat. He says: Katz demonstrates how writers should be promoting themselves, in a slow but continuous steam of action. She delineates just what to do and what not to do in order to gather a readership. Katz maintains that "Get Known offers a concrete plan that can help any writer make gains in the rapidly changing and increasingly competitive publishing landscape." And, with all the numerous changes currently undergoing in the publishing industry, we all need all the help we can get.
- Author Hope Edelman (Motherless Daughters, Da Capo Press) contacted me on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. Here's what she thinks of Get Known: "I told my writing class about Get Known Before the Book Deal and suggested they all order a copy. The publishing landscape is so different now, and evolving so fast, that books like this one are needed to help authors navigate the new territory. I'm grateful to have it to recommend."
- The Association of Writing Programs Conference recently selected two of my proposed panels (out of 850 proposals submitted) for the April 7-10 Conference in Denver. Panel participants include Writer's Digest Publisher, Jane Friedman, literary agent Robin Mizell, University of Ohio & Swallow Press Editor David Sanders, and authors Wendy Burt, Ericka Lutz, and Sage Cohen.
- I have also been invited to participate in a panel at the annual Association of Journalists and Authors Conference on April 24-25, 2010 on blogging, twitter and platform development.
- In a recent Amazon review, Peggy Payne had this to say about Get Known Before the Book Deal: I've been freelancing for 35+ years and have published books with three
major houses, and there was still a tremendous amount of material in
this book that I'd never thought of and am now putting to use. Coming
up with a handle is one I'm still working on.
GET KNOWN BEFORE THE BOOK DEAL explains in detail how to create a platform for launching a book. The material is clear and comprehensive: assumes you know nothing and that you want to know everything. Also, it didn't make me feel bad about what I didn't already know. I highly recommend it.
- On August 15, my feature profile with activist and science fiction author Cory Doctorow appears in the September issue of Writer's Digest magazine. I met Cory, author of hugely popular novel Little Brother (Tor, 2008) at the Tools of Change Conference in NYC last year and he was kind enough to speak with me from the UK a few months ago about his writing process, the trajectory of his career, becoming a father, how to take risks in your writing, which of his books is his favorite...and much more (including his forthcoming self-publishing experiement).
- In September (that's coming right up!) in NYC, I will participate in the Writer's Digest Business of Publishing Conference which will emphasize platform, networking and social media and feature the industry’s top forward-thinking speakers, leading sessions on topics relevant to the current and future state of the publishing world. I will speak on "What It Means to Have and Develop a Meaningful Marketing Program," and will appear on a panel with Jane Friedman and Booksquare's Kassia Krossier on "Social Networking Overload." Feel free to use my discount code for fifty dollars off: Code: KaS8.