Special thanks to Meryl K. Evans for supplying the edited transcript of today's #platformchat.
Hope to see everyone at the next #platformchat on Friday, July 10th at 11 a.m. PT!
#Platform Chat 26 June 2006 11am PT / 1pm CT
@thewritermama Once #platformchat starts, no linking until the last five minutes. But if you need a def of platform. Here's mine: http://bit.ly/wIkXN
@thewritermama Welcome to #platformchat. I’m the host and one of the moderators, Christina Katz, author of Get Known Before the Book Deal & Writer Mama.
@thewritermama I’m a teacher, speaker and author, so this chat is more like an educational spotlight on our two expert guests. #platformchat
@thewritermama My co-moderator is @merylkevans, who is queen of the Internet, as far as I’m concerned. You’ll soon see for yourself. #platformchat
@thewritermama Format of #platformchat: I ask 2 guests 7 questions in 35 minutes, then we have 20 minutes for Q&A, then five minutes to wrap it all up.
@thewritermama #platformchat rules: Listen to guests, then ask questions, be responsive, avoid dominating, self-promotion, or hijacking chat.
@thewritermama #platformchat feedback: We love it. Please wait until the chat is over. Send to [email protected] or DM.
@thewritermama Intros: Our guests today are Publisher & Editor, Jane Friedman & novelist, freelancer & blogger Therese Walsh. #platformchat
@thewritermama Jane Friedman was my Writer Mama acquisitions editor & editor of Get Known. She has been a great friend and mentor. #platformchat
@thewritermama @JaneFriedman is Publisher & Editorial Director at Writer’s Digest & not to be confused with the “other” Jane Friedman. #platformchat
@thewritermama Therese Walsh was a freelance health writer. Her novel, The Last Will of Moira Leahy, debuts in Oct 2009. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh is the co-founder of Writer Unboxed, a blog for writers about the craft and business of genre fiction. #platformchat
thewritermama Definition: A platform-strong writer is one with influence. It’s what you DO with your expertise (write, teach, speak, etc). #platformchat
thewritermama All caps: when guests want to give an example of a person with a strong platform, they can put info in all caps. Google later. #platformchat
thewritermama Now for 7 Qs (Q1, Q2…). Plz allow guests time to answer in several tweets. (Save long Qs for Q&A. We’ll tell you when.) #platformchat
thewritermama Q1. How is platform development different for fiction/memoir/children’s writers vs. nonfiction writers? #platformchat
WritingSpirit RT @thewritermama A platform-strong writer is one with influence. It’s what u DO w/your expertise (write, teach, speak, etc) #platformchat
ThereseWalsh First off thanks for having me, Christina and Meryl #platformchat
JaneFriedman Q1 For nonfiction writers platform is the ticket required for entry into the publishing game. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh Regardless of fiction or non, you have to attract your target audience. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh The similarity btwn nonfic and fiction is that you’re building a reputation. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh What do you want to be known for? Does your public face reflect that? #platformchat
thewritermama Q2. How important is a specialty/focus/niche to writer platform development? #platformchat
ThereseWalsh Finding a niche for yourself is critical. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh Nonfic authors should focus on expertise. At Prevention, I was the “expert” on allergy and sleep issues. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh As a freelancer, I wrote a lot of pieces on nutrition and diabetes. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh It matters, b/c expertise=reputation, and nonfiction editors share info w/ one another. You'll get more work. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh -- unless you’re Nora Roberts--you’ll be lost in the sea of Other, for sure. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh (A nonfic author wouldn’t want to be known only as a nonfic author, after all.) #platformchat
ThereseWalsh What sets you apart from the crowd? Do whatever you can to reflect your unique identity as you’re marketing your work. #platformchat
ThereseWalsh And if you’re writing crossgenre works, does your site reflect that mix? #platformchat
JaneFriedman (Apologies for lag. President stepped into my office asking urgent questions!) #platformchat
thewritermama Q3. What steps can writers new to platform development take to get started on their platforms? #platformchat
JaneFriedman Q1. Correx, sorry - For fiction writers, platform is often key to success AFTER publication - storytelling matters first #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Make sure you’re not settling for merely a genre tag like “romance” or “mystery”—it's not enough. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh A few thoughts on question 3: steps you can take to get started... #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh 1.Re: fiction, know what you’re writing & what makes you unique. Don’t rely on only your own judgment, either; ask your cp’s! #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh 2.Think about ways you can display elements of your unique writerly self—on your blog, your website, etc... Be known! #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q2 - I think developing a niche/focus/specialty can help a new writer get started. Focus your efforts, then broaden circle. #platformchat
@thewritermama Q4. Exceptions aside, is blogging the best path to landing a book deal today? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh And let me add that being shy isn't an excuse. I'm shy. Seriously! Own your spotlight and try not to wiggle too much! #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh 3.Identify yourself with others who are doing the same. Get to know people writing in your genre and niche… #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh 4.Visit the right blogs, leave comments, develop relationships, take chances***. Take BIG chances! #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @ThereseWalsh That's what my aim is. Finding other published authors whose focus is on my niche. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q3 Getting visible online & in local community is key. If Google doesn't know you exist then you don't exist for big audience. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh We'd love to hear more about taking big chances. Yours? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Q4 on blogging importance: I don’t think blogging has anything to do with landing a book deal. You must write a great book. #platformchat
@thewritermama @JaneFriedman So true. Platform builders, also try SPEZIFY. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @ficwriter Yes, start before you're finished. Mainstream media can lead to agent/editor interest and lead to book deal #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh That said, I think blogging can be incredibly helpful in promoting your work—and yourself--and getting used to that spotlight. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh But what about bloggers getting deals? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh (Unless, of course, the book deal is about the blog itself. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh I'm speaking more about fiction at this point. Nonfiction writers may be able to earn themselves notice with a blog -- Jane? #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q4 - Blogging by itself isn't really a good way to get a book deal. It can help you figure out what works, test market. #platformchat
@thewritermama My advice: start blogging after you turn in the book (or during final drafts), if you haven't yet. #platformchat
@thewritermama Q5. How long does it take a writer to develop a sturdy platform and get established enough to garner editor/agent attention? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Christina asked about my experience with taking big chances. We asked Donald Maass to blog with us? #platformchat
@thewritermama Yes! @janefriedman Blogging as market-testing makes tons of sense. :) #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Kathleen and I have been brave in interviewing big names like Audrey Niffenegger and Diana Gabaldon and Cornelia Funke. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh Very nice example. I noticed that. He didn't used to be blogging with you, yes? #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q4 - @ThereseWalsh - Blogging works GREAT for many NF authors, but must be service/content driven. Look to @copyblogger #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh ...and Christina Katz ;) #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh While these interviews aren't about us, per se, they reveal something about us - and our blog - and self expectations. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh Can you think of examples and provide names in all caps? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh No, Donald agreed to be interviewed first. We developed a connection. Then he agreed to come over to blog. #platformchat
@merylkevans @thewritermama Several authors have posted drafts in their blogs and received feedback from readers (Scoble and Shel Israel) #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q5 - According to @chrisguillebeau, 279 Days. :-) At least that long. Depends on what network you already have. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh It's important to take chances w/ fiction, too. If you follow Writer Unboxed at all, you know we advocate avoiding "the box." #platformchat
@thewritermama We are almost to Q6, and I know folks have their Qs ready. Try to keep them addressing the group, please. :) #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @merylkevans But what about the issue of posting on a blog is considered already 'published'? #platformchat
@thewritermama Q6. Talk about time and platform development: how do you juggle it? How do other writers manage time well? #platformchat
@NovelFriend #platformchat @merylkevans Doesn't posting drafts in blogs have a negative effect on one's 1st North American publishing rights??
@JaneFriedman @NovelFriend Not relevant anymore. Can stop worrying if online publication prevents print pub. Complimentary, not substitutes. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q6 - I heard recently that it's not about work/life balance any more, it's about work/life blend. So true. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q6. The ZEN HABITS guy has wonderful advice on being productive, saving time. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Absolutely, CHRISTINA KATZ, and JK ROWLING, and ERIN HUNTER, and DIANA GABALDON... a few who know something about platform! #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Q5: Not sure, but I can tell you that when my deal was announced at PM, my role as co-mama for Writer Unboxed was highlighted. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q6 - Speaking for myself, I use tech tools to streamline information to me, so I don't have to go looking for it. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh And so you have a timeframe for that, @KathleenBolton and I founded Writer Unboxed in January of 2006. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh I’ll say this: The # of people who keep up a blog, with relevant and updated content is smaller than you think. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Editors & agents who follow blogs probably know about your blog, if you’re one of those that survives. Make your posts count. #platformchat
@KFZuzulo #platformchat @ThereseWalsh You already may have covered local angle for authors: Where do you come from? Claim it! Approach local media
@ThereseWalsh KFZuzulo makes a great point: are you known locally? I have invaluable connections w/ my local press. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Q6 Blogs, websites, et al can be a serious time suck, so you have to set limits or risk losing too much of your writing time. #platformchat
@thewritermama Q7. What’s the role of social networking in platform development? When does it become crucial? #platformchat
@KFZuzulo #platformchat @JaneFriedman I think a blog or website is a great place to share your research, too; since ur branding yourself as an expert.
@JaneFriedman RT @ThereseWalsh: The # of people who keep up a blog, with relevant and updated content is smaller than you think. #platformchat (YES!!)
@ThereseWalsh Q7 I was suspicious of social networking, but once the deal came through, I joined Facebook & Twitter. #platformchat
@Evilgenius333 @janefriedman ...my platform includes - website, blog, and characters from the book on twitter interacting w/ audience... #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @Evilgenius333 Focus on writing, storytelling - if a fiction writer - but keep reaching out via Twitter etc #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh (@awriterafoot talked me into them, and I love them both!) #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh My publicity team also wanted to be sure I had a presence on GoodReads, Shelfari, LibraryThing, etc… #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Now that I’m here, I would say it’s crucial to be involved once you have a deal, for sure. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh You still have to set limits, though. Easier to do with FB! #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q7 - Tricky question. You should have a strong social network before you "need" it (e.g., when you have a book). #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Q7 Often your platform brings opportunities that lead to publication or make for successful publication #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @ThereseWalsh Twitter can be time consuming esp when you follow lots of people. But I get so much valuable info. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @journalwriter7 Twitter can be time consuming. Do you use TweetDeck? It can help you stay on top of "unmissable" tweets. #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @ThereseWalsh No, I've been reluctant to download the software, and I heard other writers having problems with it ;) #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @journalwriter7 Really? I think if you toss the question to Twitter-land, you'll hear from more who love TweetDeck than not. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @journalwriter7 It'll make it easier to turn away from the social stuff to write if you know the good stuff waits for you. #platformchat
@thewritermama @ThereseWalsh Limits is a great topic. Can you say more? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @KFZuzulo "a blog or website is a great place to share your research, too; since ur branding yourself as an expert." YES. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @KFZuzulo Absolutely agree sharing research/dev/progress on a blog can be invaluble #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh On limits: an author friend advised me to check Facebook and Twitter in the a.m. and then get OFF and WRITE. #platformchat
@LisaRomeo I'm not a fan of "balance." Sometimes, we must concentrate far too much on one thing to achieve goal. Then, throttle back. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @LisaRomeo I hear what you're saying. Sometimes immersion is right for me, too. Again, the key is to know yourself. #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @JaneFriedman So you're saying that posting on my blog would be seen as a compliment to publication. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @journalwriter7 Correct! A blog should be complimentary to what's in print. #platformchat
@thewritermama @journalwriter7 Yes, and yet blogs are great places to develop material, to draw upon later in more polished forms. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh It's harder for some to balance social aspects with writing, and for others, it's not such a problem. The key? Know yourself! #platformchat
@thewritermama Chiming in: Don't forget that all writers find their writing/platform rhythm. These are meant to be guides. Synergy rules! #platformchat
@jessrosenbooks #platformchat When you say "share your research" do you mean peppering your entry w/the links you used to write it?
@Thandelike @jessrosenbooks #platformchat i think she means her findings, conclusions, developing thoughts
@thewritermama Again: I always like to remind writers of four career aspects: craft, pitching, prof dev & platform dev. All are key. #platformchat
@whin @JaneFriedman Would you suggest writing while networking? Should I work on my platform tho I don't have a book yet? #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @Whin Never a wrong time to develop network/platform. Like @thewritermama says it's about connecting; be open to opportunities #platformchat
@rebeccawoodhead rebeccawoodhead@ThereseWalsh can a really successful platform replace face time for chronically ill writers? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @rebeccawoodhead Great question. Yes, I think it can. And it can help an ill person feel connected to their writing community. #platformchat
@jessrosenbooks @rebeccawoodhead It's been a remarkable tool for me and I fit that category as well. #platformchat
@writerchickmc What if you currently have blogs about non-fiction subjects, and have also written your first Inspirational Romance novel? #platformchat
@Thandelike @writerchickmc #platformchat sounds like opportunity to transition your readers *gently* to your new topic?
@JaneFriedman @writerchickmc It's fine for writers to have blogs on topics not connected to their books. Yet another circle of influence! #platformchat
@DebraMarrs @JaneFriedman can you say a little more about the tech tools you use? #platformchat
@thewritermama Best two tools for Twitter in my book: TWEETDECK and TWEETCHAT. Don't be rules by fear. :) #platformchat
@JaneFriedman As a timesaver, I use Yahoo Pipes to create RSS feeds of my favorite people on Twitter. #platformchat
@WritingSpirit Do publishers look for a balanced online/offline platform? #PlatformChat
@JaneFriedman @WritingSpirit I think they look for a platform that connects w/audience, fits writers' strengths, and fits the content! #platformchat
@WritingSpirit Do awards for an anthology ur in have meaning? Won a prestigious award but only wrote 5 pages of book. Do I mention or not? #PlatformChat
@JaneFriedman @WritingSpirit If the editor/agent is going to have awareness of the award/anthology, mention it! #platformchat
@AngelaCaperton @WritingSpirit Absolutely! It might have been your five pages that made the difference! #PlatformChat
@glecharles #platformchat My $.02: Focus on what you're passionate about and make connections with PEOPLE. Shared interests = likely readers.
@ThereseWalsh @glecharles That's what Twitter is best for. Absolutely, and I think it is unmatchable in that regard. #platformchat
@journalwriter7 @JaneFriedman I've read in PW's mag from an editor who said he wouldn't publish a piece in a lit journal if it was prev posted #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @journalwriter7 No doubt you'll find varying opinions. When it comes to BOOK publication tho, little to no danger. #platformchat
@Thandelike @journalwriter7 #platformchat (good topic for another chat? the "DRM aspect of pre-pubbing your work") i've changed my mind to more openness
@thewritermama You do your thang on social media regularly, writers, but don't forget to do your paying work! #platformchat
@MarieDevers @ThereseWalsh Is it beneficial for my main char to tweet, blog (as character) when my book isn't published yet? #PlatformChat
@MarieDevers @ThereseWalsh @JaneFriedman I follow NO fic characters on soc net sites. Do these work BEFORE my char is pubbed? #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @MarieDevers Ahh! I've heard of authors who tweet while in character, and I think it could work, esp w/ quirky character! #platformchat
@thewritermama @MarieDevers Always take your personal strengths into account and go roll with them. Is this your strength? #platformchat
@MarieDevers @thewritermama Voice is my writing strength, so tweeting in character mat work for me. #platformchat
@jloakley I'm working on ways to increase traffic to my blog. Besides twitter and commenting on other blogs what works?
@JaneFriedman @jloakley I think you're in safe territory as long as the projects are clearly delineated/titled. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh @jloakley Write blog content that's going to inspire not only conversation BUT links. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman @jloakley To help w/traffic, offer to guest blog on others' blogs & invite guests to yours. Also follow @copyblogger advice! #platformchat
@Thandelike @jloakley #platformchat follow @problogger for info on increasing traffic to your blog. he's great
@thewritermama Seth Godin says start marketing the book three years in advance. There is widsom there that has not changed. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh BARBARA SAMUEL (O’NEAL) has been writing fabu foodie novels, and her platform reflects that. Lots of recipes, etc… #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Lots of examples earlier, too: JK Rowling, Diana Gabaldon, Erin Hunter, Eoin Colfer, Cornelia Funke, Nora Roberts... #platformchat
@thewritermama 5 Min left: Time to start wrapping up #platformchat. Thank you so much for coming, Jane & Therese. What’s coming up next for you guys?
@ThereseWalsh What's next for me? My debut novel, The Last Will of Moira Leahy will be released October 13th by Random House. #platformchat
@JaneFriedman I'm getting ready to launch the first installment of my newsletter (sign-up: http://www.janefriedman.com) #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Read some early reviews here: http://bit.ly/CEB0j #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh Read an excerpt here (PDF): http://bit.ly/11WSW7 #platformchat
@thewritermama Hear more from Jane Friedman at her blog, There Are No Rules: http://blog.writersdigest.com/norules/ #platformchat
@thewritermama Learn more about Therese Walsh at http://www.theresewalsh.com/ & http://writerunboxed.com/ #platformchat
@thewritermama Get or stay Internet-savvy by following @merylkevans’ blog: http://www.meryl.net/section/blog/. #platformchat
@ThereseWalsh See photo journal for the book here: http://bit.ly/AGCwK #platformchat
@thewritermama I’m Christina Katz, host of #platformchat. Pick my brain & Get Known Before the Book Deal at http://christinakatz.com
@ThereseWalsh And of course I’ll continue doing my thing at Writer Unboxed. http://WriterUnboxed.com #platformchat
@JaneFriedman Using newsletter as way to show people backgrnd/source material that inspires my online output, creativity, productivity, etc. #platformchat
@thewritermama Thanks for coming to #platformchat. Come on back on July 10th. No chat on July 3rd. Happy long weekend!
thewritermama #platformchat feedback welcome. Please send yours to [email protected] or DM. #platformchat
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