By Penny Sansevieri
Ok, here we go!
Simple steps to tagging:
Create a blog post: Just write your blog, don't worry about doing anything different.
some keywords you'll want to use, as many as you want. Don't worry
about getting too scientific with this, just be thorough.
Create your tags: Head on over to
and generate a tag (this will be choice #1). Once you input the
keywords make sure the default button is checked at Technorati. Then go
to the bottom and click "generate code." This code will get posted
right into your blog. It's that easy! (Tip: always post this code at
the end of your blog.) When you're done you'll see code in your blog
like this:
bookmarking: Tag each of your blog posts in one or all of the following
social networking sites. The one slightly time consuming activity you
need to do is to set up accounts for each of these. Once you do,
however, it will only take you a minute or so per post to add a social
bookmarking tag to each of them.
Here are some of the most popular social bookmarking sites to use:,, (this is still in beta but I recommend using it anyway),,,,, and
Nuts and bolts: Each
of these sites has a different set of criteria for bookmarking your
blog post. If you're blogging everyday this might seem pretty tedious.
If it's too much work to tag and bookmark each of your posts, handpick
a few each week and focus on those. The idea is that you want to get
these keywords out in cyberspace so folks can find you.
Ready for a final tip? If
you want to impress customers with your endless list of resources why
not share your page with your readers/customers. gives each registered member their own page with all of
their bookmarks. Ideally you'll want to include other resources besides
your own blog but a link to this page could be a fantastic way to gain
additional exposure not just for your blog, but to your wealth of
resources as well. Here's my page:
C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a
best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and
media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the
publishing industry and has developed some of the innovative Internet
book marketing campaigns. She is the author of five books including Red Hot Internet Publicity,
which was just sold to Sourcebooks with a planned re-release in Fall
2009. To learn more about Penny's books or her promotional services,
you can visit her web site at