By Christina Katz
philosophy on volunteering is not approved by the church, the state or
any other official organizations. I'm practical, so it goes like this:
if not much is happening in your writing career and you wish something
was happening, then maybe it's time to volunteer.
Here's why. Volunteering is a simple, effective way to get...
- Out of the house and into the mix where things are happening.
- Better known. Because let's face it, you remember the folks you meet in person better than the folks you meet in cyberspace.
- Into action. By volunteering you can make a contribution and become familiar with how good that feels.
- Rich in experience. It's experience that makes us rich, not just money. Experience also teaches us what we are good at and where we can stand improvement.
- Paid. Sometimes volunteer opportunities actually pay.
- In the proximity of influential others. In Get Known, I tell a story of how volunteering made all the difference for award-winning young adult author Susan Fletcher's career.
- To learn detachment. If you can suit up and show up and pitch in without getting sucked into an organization's politics, you win! If you can't, better not volunteer.
- Inspired. When you rub up against other folks who are united in the spirit of making good things happen, you will become energized by your participation. Yes!
So what do you think? Is it time to volunteer? If so, simply contact your local writing organization. Most have lots of things going on and can always use more able bodies. You'll notice, once you begin to volunteer, that good things start to happen in your writing career. And who wouldn't want that?
Christina Katz is the author of Get Known Before the Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths to Build an Author Platform and Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids
(both for Writer's Digest Books). A platform development coach and
consultant, she teaches writing career development, hosts the Northwest Author Series, and is the publisher of several e-zines including Writers on the Rise. Christina blogs at The Writer Mama Riffs and Get Known Before the Book Deal, and speaks at MFA programs, literary events, and conferences around the country.