Thank you for subscribing to the Get Known Groove! We know that getting known and staying known for all of the right reasons is important to you as a writer and we are here to help you succeed.
I started to become known over a decade ago by writing freelance articles and then teaching others how to do the same. I eventually started publishing my first e-zine to stay connected to the increasing amount of writers I personally knew. That e-zine grew over the years and my growing platform helped me land my first book deal, Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids from Writer's Digest Books in March 2007.
Just before Writer Mama was released, I began speaking and teaching at writers conferences and, over time, I noticed a strange phenomenon: agents and editors seemed to recognize and understand the importance of author platform but most aspiring authors were completely in the dark. I asked the question, "How can writers prepare the platform that agents and editors expect them to have if nobody is telling them what platform is or how to build one?"
So I set about addressing that gap the way any professional writer or teacher would. I started writing about the topic, teaching on the topic, and speaking on the topic. Eventually, I pitched a book, Get Known Before the Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths to Grow an Author Platform which was published by Writer's Digest Books in November of 2008.
Joe Wikert recently called Get Known, "The Author Platform Bible" in his Publishing 20/20 blog.
Chris Brogan mentioned me in his blog as an example of a person who is "microfamous."
I just proofed the galley for my six-page feature article which will appear in the next issue of Writer's Digest Magazine.
And Get Known is now required reading in a popular MFA program class in Chicago.
Most people say they can't finish Get Known once they pick it up for all of the ideas it sparks for their platform. I love hearing this! My mission is to help as many writers as I can learn to use the tools in Get Known so we can all take 100% responsibility for our writing careers.
This e-zine is a way of continuing the platform-development discussion because there are so many possible directions to go once you are clear and focused on your topic, niche and audiences! I hope you will pick up a copy of Get Known and see what ideas it sparks for you and your platform. I welcome your comments and feedback over at the Get Known Before the Book Deal blog.
Make good things happen!
Christina Katz
Publisher & Editor